
This page lists the publications of the group since its foundation in April 2023. For older publications of the group members you can refer to the arxiv or researchmap.


Michele Dall’Arno, Alessandro Tosini, Francesco Buscemi, The signaling dimension in generalized probabilistic theories, arXiv:2311.13103.

Michele Dall’Arno, Francesco Buscemi, Tight conic approximation of testing regions for quantum statistical models and measurements, arXiv:2309.16153.

Michele Dall’Arno, On the role of designs in the data-driven approach to quantum statistical inference, arXiv:2304.13258.


Baasanchimed Avirmed, Kaito Niinomi, Michele Dall’Arno, Adversarial guesswork with quantum side information, Quantum Information and Computation 23, 1105 (2023).

Michele Dall’Arno, On the Measurement attaining the Quantum Guesswork, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory (DOI: 10.1109/TIT.2023.3343676).

Michele Dall’Arno, Francesco Buscemi, Takeshi Koshiba, Computing the quantum guesswork: a quadratic assignment problem, Quantum Information and Computation 23, 721 (2023).

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